About KPYM

Welcome to Kumharla yuva mandal, a small organization supporting children, women and our community throughout pabbar valley, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, the northern part of India. We put together this welcome package to provide you with some guidance on what to expect during your volunteer experience, as well as give you the run down on the types of volunteer work you can help out with, plus loads of other

useful information to help make your time here as comfortable as possible.Our aim is to give you the best and most enjoyable volunteer experience possible, while also giving you the opportunity to make a difference to all of our projects.

We hope that you enjoy your time here with local people, and find the work here as rewarding as we have. Thank you for taking the time to support our amazing projects!

About Kumharla Yuva mandal(KYM)
Kumharla yuva mandal was founded in 2000. It was started by a team of mountain people, with one classroom, providing lessons for children in the local community. This project has blossomed into a multifaceted NGO that aims to increase the life opportunities of the poorest members of communities throughout pabbar valley, Shimla. KYM began teaching some of the underprivileged children in their community. They saw there was a desperate need to not only provides quality education to the children of pabbar valley, but to provide hope and be a positive influence for all of their community. As time went by, KYM began to educate more and more children, all of this done in the back of their main school in Kumharla, By 2010, KYM was now educating hundreds of children as well as doing many other positive things for their community, such as counseling women in their community through the women’s empowerment program.

Since 2010, this community has grown exponentially. It supports over 250 women and children across pabbar valley. In addition to our main school in Kumharla, we also have two women’s empowerment programs in tikri and chambal, computor education projects in Shimla town, and a self sustainability program in Delhi.There is still so much work to be done, and much of the work cannot be completed without your help. KYM really values the input of volunteers—from the impact they have on the women and children, to the support they provide our Commune in helping achieve its goals and aspirations

Our mission is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the science, culture, communication and information.

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